All About Electrohomoeopathy
What Is Electro homoeopathy ?
Electrohomoeopathy is an art of healing to deal with the “Vitiation of Blood and Lymph” in sick body by following its modus operandi “Cmplexa Cmplexis Curunture”. The Electrohomoeopathy system have its own fundamental of Health and disease, which are differ in concepts from those of recognised systems in the country Elecrohomoeopathy is a comprehensive system of care and not restricted to few diseases management only.
Brief Explanation of the Innovation done by Count Cesrae Mattei (Inventor of Electrohomoopathy).
Mattei acknowledged Hahnemann’s Similarity principle, while Criticizing his doctrine because it used, as he said, only remedies that were not combined and only addressed the symptoms. Experience taught Mattei that one could only cure a disease that came out in various symptoms by using several substances in combination.
Mattei also had reservation regarding the classical Homoeopath’s drug proving on the healthy person; among other things he questioned whether one could be sure that a substance had the same effect on a sick person that it had on a healthy person. Mattei postulated that the drug proving should be performed on the sick person. He demanded, moreover, to prescribe a remedy in direct relation to the disease with the quantity of the remedy being reciprocal to the severity of the disease. He further added, however, that the more diluted a remedy was the more frequently it had to be taken.
Concept of Electrohomoeopathy (Fundamental Axiom)
“ Life is in the Blood , Disease in its Vitiation and Medicine in Similar” Mattei’s Electrohomoeopathy preparation were meant to fight the cause of a disease thus even prevent the appearance of the symptoms. Just as the healthy organism needed various nutrients to remain balanced, the sick organism did not just take in one but several remedies. Electrohomoeopathy was based on the idea that one “nourished” sick organs by giving them medicines.
Fundamental of Health and Disease different in concept from other recognized stream of medicines.
According to Mattei’s theory any malaise had its origin either in the lymph or in the blood or in both. He saw lymph and blood as solidary forces in the functioning of the organism; disturbance (Vitiation) of the one would sooner or later result in disturbance of the other. This caused the mixed diseases. Electrohomoeopathy is a comprehensive system of care because it is based on empiricism. The efficacy of a remedy was the most important aspect, while pathogenic and pharmacological considerations were seen as secondary. Therefore, Electrohomoeopathy is not restricted to the functional level of human life, but took into account the essence of life processes, existential drives and the spiritual influences to which all of nature is subjected. According to Mattei the specifics in his combinations harmonized well with one another which meant that there was neither antagonism between them not assimilation.
Aetiology in Electrohomoeopathy
“Vitiation of Blood, Lymph or both “ are the primary cause (aetiology) of all kinds of sickness. Mattei classified the patients in three classes v.i.z
- The patient belong to Lymphatic Constitution
- The patients belong to Sanguine Constitution and
- Patient belongs to Mixed constitution.
So, the patient with lymphatic constitution will have the high affinity of sickness due to the “vitiation of Lymph” and the Patient belong to sanguine constitution will be prone to the sickness due to “vitiation of Blood” and finally the patient belongs to Mixed constitution having the affinity of sickness due to the “vitiation of both blood and lymph.
Diagnosis In Electrohomoeopathy
As there are only three causes of diseases, there can only exist three classes of maladies; for diagnosis, everything is reduced to this, to know if the patient belongs to one of the three following classes: 1) Lymphatic 2) Angiotic 3) Mixed which belong to the two preceding classes by the junction of two vitiation at the same time. The method of examining “Vitiation” ( which is of three types) is as follow, where practitioner looks for the differentiation in “SIGNS” for different classes of “vitiation”
1) Signs for Vitiation of Lymph: – If there is No florid complexion, tendency of congestion, haemorrhages, vertigo, palpitation ,rapid pulsation in the carotids, haemorrhoids, varicose veins etc the patient is necessarily Lymphatic and Anti scrofuolso will be primary remedy, whatever the disease.
2) Signs for “Vitiation of Blood”; – If patient is characterized by Florid complexion, tendency of congestion, haemorrhages, vertigo, palpitation, rapid pulsation in the carotids, haemorrhoids, varicose veins etc. the patient is Angitico or sanguine and Anti Angitico will be the primary Remedy ,whatever the disease.
3) Signs for “Mixed Constitution”: – When some of angiotic signs one or more proper to the lymphatics, may be present, such as tumours, enlarged glands, eruptions on the skin, etc; it is that “vitiation of blood coexist with that of lymph; it is a combine malady, mixed condition/constitution. The remedy therefore is antiscrofuloso and Anticanceroso combined with anti angiotico.
Supplementary diagnostic tools in Electrohomoeopathy
1. Iris Analysis Dr Theodre Krauss ,who is another legend of Electrohomoeopathy and one of the great successor of Count Mattei developed Electrohomoeopathy further in Germany and introduced the “Iris Annalysis” as a supplementary diagnostic tool to know the constitution of Patients as well to understand the impact of long lasting vitiation on body organs. Therefore, With the help of “Iridoscope”, it is very easy to access the constitution and condition of “vitiation “in the sick body. This diagnosis help the Practitioner to find the right constitutional and organ remedy as well also help to select the terms of dosology according to the severity of sickness.
2. Modern Science Diagnostic tools: – Mammography. A mammogram is a special type of Xray of the breasts. … Echocardiography. … Complete Blood Count (CBC) … Colonoscopy … Prothrombin Time (PT) … Bone Density Study. … Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) … Computer Axial Tomography (CT or CAT Scan) etc. can also be used to understand the deep impact of “vitiation” on the body organs and very helpful to expand the area of research and development and to find the new drugs in Electrohomoeopathy.
Management of diseases in Electrohomoeopathy
The management of disease is very simple and effective in Electrohomoeopathy. The following is the rule to prescribe the drug: –
1) Primary Remedy (to check the vitiation)
2) Organ Remedy (to overall the body organ function and structure)
3) External Application (compress on body points as per law of polarity)
Law of Dosology in Electrohomoeopathy
Mattei given the following instruction as a rules of dosology while prescribing the dose to the patient :-
1) “Greater the severity of the disease, the smaller should be the dose” According to Mattei , A cure was nothing other than “the result of the reaction provoked in our organs by certain means which we call remedies and that the reactions are the weaker the less life force is contained in the organism and the more pathogens are present; thus one will without effort understand the reason why it is necessary to dilute the remedy when the complaint is severe”.
2) “The more dilute the remedy, the more often it must be taken”. Mattei added, however, that the more diluted a remedy was the more frequently it had to be taken.
List of Electrohomoeopathy Medicine with its remarkable action.
Electrohomoeopathy Medicine therapeutics of 38 medicines.
Angitico Group
1. A1‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Arterial system and heart,
2. A2‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Venous circulation, haemorrhoids ,varicose veins, Nose bleed
3. A3‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Acts on Blood, Specially for Red Blood Cell, Remedy for deficiency of Blood and General debility, chlorosis after loss of blood, marasmus, nervous affection caused by under nutrition or anaemia, neurasthenia
Canceroso group
Especially influences the cellular structure for instance S6 and C6 correspondingly affects the kidneys. S6 exchanges of humours , C6 the cellular structure. The metabolism remedy (S group) influences the action the tissue remedy the structure of the organ, their composition , decomposition and recomposition.
1. C1‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐The entire complex of glands , general remedy of the cellular tissues of an extremely vast effect which influences decomposition , the wrong composition of tissue cells.
2. C2‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐Bladder, cystic catrrah, mucous membrane of the intestines and of the hypodermic tissues, hemorrhoids. Jelly like and gelatinous sediments in tissues and joints liver and gall bladder and kidneys.
3. C3‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐remedy for skin and intestines , glands and cellular, goitre,tissues , burns and scalds simple and purulent ,chilblains chronicle intestinal catarrh.
4. C4‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Bone tissue, joints, rickets , injuries of bones, gouting sediments I joints and muscles, breaking and splintering of nails, fall and loss of hairs, teeth and their insufficient growths ,caries in teeth, inflammation and catarrh.
5. C5‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ skin, glands, especially liver, venous system, rheumatic indisposition of muscles and joints corresponding with S5. It is especially appropriate for combination with other remedies like C11, P6 etc. For internal and external use.
6. C6‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ urinary system including central action of kidneys and influencing mineral metabolism, arteriosclerosis, stones, gout.
7. C10‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Nervous troubles of gastrointestinal canals , large and small intestine, great gut, liver, gall bladder.
8. C13‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ remedy of pharynx, pharyngeal tonsils.
9. C15‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ gastric remedy , peritoneal ( predisposition to rupture) elastic tissues of the abdominal muscles.
10. C17‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ contration of the bladder, retention of urine, micturition, nocturnal enuresis.
Venereo Group
It is an old fact founded on experience that by the constant of heavy damages especially by serious diseases or by the views of alcoholic and narcotic poisons. The inherited constitution of a man may degenerate so that the worst constitutional defects are transmitted to his descendants . the constitution remedy is the chief remedy to fight such hereditary constitution defects. It is one of the most universal remedy generally to ameliorate our constitution and therefore extremely valuable also for supporting all the specific remedies combined with them. Its may be used against all chronical diseases especially constitutional ones.
1. Ven 1‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ remedy calculated to better constitution (metabolism ,circulation of blood and lymph, all salts of decomposition of blood and the like.
Lymphatico group
Influences the lymphatic ways and the organs being charged to prepare purify and move the lymph and the entire liquid between the tissues.
1. Lin1‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐The whole lymphatic system state of decomposistion of lymph and blood. Nervous debility, spasms glands and their tumours and inflammations, chronically irruptions.
Scrofoloso grorup
Primarily takes effect on the organs working for the exterior assimilation ( gastric intestinal canal with glandular appendages than secondarily on those organs and tissues being usefully combined with them which work for the interior assimilation and last not least universally or constitutionally through the influence of these important organic function s on the whole organsms.
1. S1‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ universal remedy for the entire metabolism stomach , intestines with glandular appendgaes, secretions , stimulating metabolism and appetite .if regularly used it influence in an extraordinarily favorable way for the whole constitution .
2. S2‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ indication bladder, catrrah of the kidney, liver and gall bladder, gastric glands, intestinal mucous membranes , constipation.
3. S3‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ skin, dermatoid and hypodermic cellular tissues, eruptions , chronic herpes, dry and discharging one ,the sensible nervous system, nervousness. Intestinal mucous membranes( stopping secretions ).
4. S5‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ liver , formation of the bile, secreting uric acid, skin and hypodermic cellular tissues with acute eruptions very fit for external use ( ointments , compress and baths), motor nervous system.
5. S6‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ kidneys, stones in the kidneys, secreting remedies, arteriosclerosis, dropsy.
6. S10‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ chiefly again nervous gastric indigestions and acute diseases. Symptoms of colds .
7. S11‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Pharynx and gastric nerves, nausea, vomiting , morning sickness, similar indisposition at railways , air and sea trips. vomiting with sick headache.
8. S12‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ remedy for the eyes, for internal and external use , catarrh ,inflammation of the conjunctiva
Vermifugo Group
Different diseases are often connected with the appearance of certain parasites ( foreign substance in the human organism) for instance different sorts of intestinal worms or monocellular microscopical animal ( microbes). These one essentially developed and breed because of an uninterrupted metabolism and indisposition of the various tissues , they need a diseased cultured medium. The intestinal remedies stimulate the disinfection made by ones own body, influence the intestine by purging and secreting regulate the stools in an especially favorable way with chronical constipation through stimulating the intestinal glands and peristalsis. They are acting against worms by cutting the essential conditions that is the morbidity transformed contents of the intestines ( fermentation, purification from these parasites . above all maw‐worms and spring or pin worms are suspetible). Moreover these remedies arouse the means of defense of the organism , thus are bactericide and therefore ,qualified as intermediate remedies against all acute and chronical diseases all the more since they have similar qualities as the fever remedies as stimulant for nerves.
1. Verm1‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ all the parasites and microbes all over the body especially in the intestine
2. Verm2‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ chronical disposition for being attacked by microbes , more fit for external use and enema and ointments.
1. Blue Fluid.
Innovation of the arterial system (sanguine temperament) through internal and external use, stimulant and tonic ,If dosed undiluted .but sedative if diluted. A first rate styptic for all sorts of inner bleeding it is genrally similar to A2 together with which it is employed for the internal and external use.
2. Green Fluid
The venous system whereas BE and A1 correspond to the acutely inflammatory diseases. GE together with C5 and A2 does so above all to chronic , lingering diseases and feeble reactions it is employed against chronically ulcerating wounds such as fistulas ,boils of the varicose veins , hemorrhoids, besides against ulceration angina and gum boils to rinse ones mouth against absecess chronical rheumatic pain, arteriosclerotic process used internally and externally in ointments and baths.
3. Red fluid
Stimulant arousing nervous activities accelerating vital processes therefore the remedy for phlegmatic person to be used again trouble of inner secretion. disease of the joints without reactions and all the states of debility and paralysation particularly in order to prevent paralysation to defective nervous activities it serves for local stimulation and sympathizes with the metabolic remedies.
4. Yellow fluid
Sedative ,diminishing organic function ,to be employed against all conditions of excitement , and irritation (choleric temperament). For internal and external use above all against spasm of the gastric intestinal canals and the gall bladders. Its effects corresponds to fever remedies and to intestinal remedies . states of intense psychic excitement muscular convulsions, tickling cough and the like orresponding to frequent change between the excitement and relaxing at all nervous and psychic indisposition. Doses of YE and RE are of a very favorable effect if alternatively used.
5. White fluid
Nervous , neurophatic persons like it .it is internally and externally used against organic and functional troubles of the nervous system besides against neuralgia ,neurasthenia ,migraine sickly feelings, it can be well combines with tissue remedies for ointments and catabalms.
6. APP
It influences skin nerves, and cutaneous glands ,the trophic dearrangements o f the skin .it is employed not only as remedy in diseses but also suitable admixed as a cosmectic for the care of skin.besides combine with marina it has beneficial effect on eyes.
Difference between Homoeopathy and Electrohomoeopathy
Every science is based on certain principles and the same holds true for the Homoeopathic and Electrohomoeopathic science too. There are a few solid, fundamental principles, which form the basis of these great sciences. It has its own unique philosophy and therapeutics that are founded on seven cardinal principles. They are as follows:
- Law of Similia
- Law of Simplex
- Law of Minimum
- Doctrine of Drug Proving
- Theory of Chronic Diseases
- Theory of Vital Force
- Doctrine of Drug Dynamisation
Comparison between Homoeopathy and Electrohomoeopathy
It follows the Nature law of cure i.e "Law of Similia" innovated by Dr.Hanhemann .Implementation of this law to the practice of this system of medicine is entirely differ from Electrohomoeopathy medicine in terms of impression,application and manifestation. | It too follows the Nature‘s "law of Similia" which is implemented and applicable as per the innovation done by Count Mattei. | |
The Law of "Simplex" i.e Single Remedy at a time. | The medicine is compound in composition and must not be mixed with other remedies and do not give at the same time ,but alternated by giving ,one part of the day one and the other part of the day ,the other. | |
The law of Minimum ( Minutest dose of the Medicine). The dose is not repeated frequently. | The rules for EH remedies is to place the dose in relation to the severity of disease,that is to say,to diminish the dose in proportion to the gravity of the disease. And the lower the dilution the more frequently must the doses be given ,so that these infinitesimal quantities produce,by successive and increasing reactions, a definite result, the cure. | |
Doctrine of Drug Proving. It means the homoeopathic method of experimentation of drugs on the healthy human beings to know their effects of altering health. | Drug Proving is done on Sick person to note the class of the diseases it is adapted to cure. | |
Theory of Chronic Diseases: Hahnemann classified medicines under the heading of these 3 miasms as antipsoric, anti-sycotic & anti-syphilitic remedies to simplify treatment of chronic diseases. | Count Mattei Classified medicines under the heading of 3 constitutions as 1.Anti Sanguine 2. Anti Lymphatic 3. Anti Mixed( which belong to the two preceding classes by the junction of two Vitiation at the same time) remedies to simplify treatment as per the constitution of the patient when found unhealthy leads to chronic diseases. | |
Theory of Vital Force (Virtual dynamic force said to governing health of human body) According to this theory the disease is due to derangement of dynamic vital force by dynamic disease. | The life of this vital force is blood and lymph so the first pathological effect and physiological changes of all diseases is the vitiation of blood and lymph-the rudimental axiom of Electro-homoeopathy. | |
The doctrine of Drug dynamization Drug dynamization mainly consists of process of succusion in fluid substances and trituration in dry substances. | The doctrine of the drug dilution is accepted by the Electrohomoeopathy. The dose of dilution should be in inverse ratio to the gravity of the disease. |